Monday, December 3, 2007

Task # 21 podcasts

I adore iTunes and stumbled onto podcasts that way. One of the best podcasts I've ever used was one which acted as a virtual tour guide. When uploaded onto my iPod i prowled happily through the Musee d'Orsay in Paris, accompanied by a tour guide who was a) free b) pause-able and c) thorough! it was great. Try it next time you travel! Searching - nothing on public libraries! Very sad. Public library singular picked up a few. Podcast alley picked up lots more and some clever ideas for us. Podcasts of storytimes, how brilliant! And author events, reading etc. - something to consider in Outreach work. we could also use podcasts for user education, tours - hey, our council does wonderful free tours - wish they could be done on podcast! I must go find someone to suggest it to!

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