Saturday, October 6, 2007

Week 6 Task #13

Hello again to anyone reading this. I've been exploring with and it seems like quite a neat tool. We need this one on the ref desk for certain. I haven't quite got my head around it yet, though, so I think further playing may be required! It's not the most friendly interface I've ever seen, but perhaps once I get used to it I won't mind that. It's interesting that so many of these sites seem to have a social networking component. So much for those who claim that increased use of the internet will lead to increased isolation!
Another tool you may want to have a look at if you have time to kill is stumbleupon ( similar sort of theory to in a way, but based on "interests". you can browse through some really terrific online content but talk about a time devourer ...

1 comment:

Learning 2.0 administrator said...

Brilliant blog- keep it up!