OK, well I've just started on Technorati and decided to try claiming my blog using "post claim", which is asking me to enter the following piece of code:
Technorati Profile, and then click on a button which says "release the spiders"! As a moderate arachnophobic that scares me a bit but I'm going to assume that nothing black and hairy is actually going to jump through the monitor at me and "just do it" as the Nike people would say (sorry)! Wish me luck!
Well, no spiders here ... however in further playing around with searching for Learning 2.0, found this interesting piece on youtube.... very appropriate to the topic at hand!
Having a look at "Popular" in Technorati. People are clearly interested in Dumbledore and JK Rowling's recent revelation about his sexuality. Wonder why people really care who a fictional character does, or does not, sleep with....
Having done some searches and found a few things of interest, I think I'm getting the hang of this.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Task # 14
Posted by
3:54 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Week 6 Task #13
Hello again to anyone reading this. I've been exploring with del.icio.us and it seems like quite a neat tool. We need this one on the ref desk for certain. I haven't quite got my head around it yet, though, so I think further playing may be required! It's not the most friendly interface I've ever seen, but perhaps once I get used to it I won't mind that. It's interesting that so many of these sites seem to have a social networking component. So much for those who claim that increased use of the internet will lead to increased isolation!
Another tool you may want to have a look at if you have time to kill is stumbleupon (www.stumbleupon.com). similar sort of theory to del.icio.us in a way, but based on "interests". you can browse through some really terrific online content but talk about a time devourer ...
Posted by
1:13 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Week 5 Task #12

Posted by
11:18 PM
Week 5 Task #11
Had a look at LibraryThing - looks interesting. Have catalogued a few books but I always find that I can't remember books that I've read and enjoyed when I'm asked (thus my love of fiction guides etc.!). Link to catalogue: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/ameithyste
Posted by
11:13 PM